Life Choices

Life is a funny business where the destination is to reach the below final point…….. The scared life choices made does help us reach here i.e. a “house” but does it ever land us to a home….Something to ponder upon “Scared life choices ever land us to something called as “home”.. Anyways, scared life choices Read More …

How can one be motivated by traumas??

How can one stop because of traumas..I mean haven’t we all heard things like “digging and burying the wealth underground” because had a bad experience with wealth couple of times” “stopped smiling and making eye contact” because of the trauma of being misjudged”. Also, talking about not trusting because met some untrustworthy bunch…How does this Read More …

Perfect Picture

Perfectly imperfect is a picture perfect. How can one picture perfect work in all situations?? How can wearing a gown work when going on an adventure?? When perfect also needs to change and mesh with another perfect…then what’s this picture perfect?? I got it!! The picture perfect to fit in the frame, but isn’t that Read More …

Creating confusion and doubts in mind…

This story is about confusion and doubts in mind… There was this hotel where there were couple of people very secure and safe lived. They owned this establishment with the intention of making a fortune. Once what happened, a foreign person from a different land came to their hotel. They were very secure and safe Read More …

Are you a big fan of “close your eyes, everything will be alright”..

Closing our eyes may help us have a fresh mind to solve the complications. If we take a nap and then work on the cumbersome task, it might give us results but how will closing eyes makes everything alright..Aaahh, closing eyes and dreaming about it getting solved, this may be an alternative. Anyhow, let me Read More …

Happiness and Newness

What’s new?? Same old same old, yeah…Let’s make it sparkling for a bit by adding something new, an instant solution to happiness. Happiness and newness go hand in hand, isn’t it?? Don’t we like the fragrance of new clothes, freshness of a new place and the excitement of a new cuisine. How about making newness Read More …

Do you know what it would be like not doing mistakes..

it would be like “I dont want to get there in rain because it makes me wet”; “Dont want to walk in wet sand, it makes feet dirty”; “Don’t want to start my project assignment as I will make mistakes”. How can one barricade oneself just because toxic energies will have to face…With those toxic Read More …

Do you know what are you made of..

Cigarettes coffee rice milk wheat bread…yeah..our making. Some more making cakes meat chicken chocolates, this is some more of our making. How about our common making which is some kind of love, yeah..The question is, does our making correlate?? One’s make may be mistakes… others drama harmony conflict..Yet mistakes do let us have a firm Read More …


The best investment is oneself; Make the priority to yourself; It will reap more benefits in itself; Keep your loyalties to yourself; Once we start working on ourselves, we’ll become a treasure in ourselves.. Moral:Self care and self love is very important because we want to give our best self to the world not what’s Read More …

No.1 being the culprit

No.1 being the culprit Long time back, there was a lucky boy who was an apple of eye of his parents and everyone else. He grew being loved by parents and teachers. His grades were always no.1 always topping the competition. His achievements were to be celebrated. He won many awards throughout life. He was Read More …