Own it and Hone it…

Isn’t it true, one of the most beautiful feelings is when you own yourself and are free to hone yourself….Do you remember, learning to drive, we did bang our car to walls once or twice or more than that before we learnt to drive, isn’t it….. So own it and hone it!! Keep it moving, Read More …

Set a couple of tasks and achieve it…

Being human is also getting a set of tasks and achieving it. You must have heard people with children saying “All we want is our kids to get settled” or youngsters setting a task of “everyone should speak good about them behind their back”….So have a cup of coffee and set couple of tasks for Read More …

Circus of Life

How can we progress without the knowledge of circus of life.. .. So acquaintance with this knowledge of circus of life is helpful, isn’t it….So stay connected….. Also be acquainted with the latest offers on Udemy APAC this week below : Stay Connected for the best offers and updates!! www.facebook.com/pleasantries0001

The triggering state…

Life is easy….Life is easy for the ones who make it easy…and complicated for the ones who make it complicated. That’s why I guess, wise person says, “Life is what you make it”… So, in a triggering state, make it easy and calm..Also, once calm down, in a calm state, do check out the Udemy Read More …

How to wake up Conscience …

Guten Morgen Conscience!! When its dead conscience??Then bring back to life by facing it and bravely accepting it, isn’t it…..Let me confess first, I didn’t water my plant for some days, The results are below: So, it all comes to nurture oneself like the plants need some nurturing…yeah…In case, need more help to be brave Read More …

How to be independent….

Be creative with independence…….. How can one be independent ?? By staying curious..Anyone, can be independent with curiosity, because curiosity helps us invent…It helps create pathways to independence… Let’s say independence is independence from dependence on things or entities that do not serve us. So what’s your recent definition of independence…Something to ponder upon… Also Read More …

What transformation are you looking for…

What transformation are you looking for recently….. It could not be perfection, close to perfection maybe…What takes transformation, understanding oneself and one’s pattern for sure…So, if identified one’s pattern and looking forward to transform it, the following course maybe helpful…Check it out: www.udemy.com/transform-weakness-to-strength And yes, for the eternal transformation, upgrade in your learning journey, The Read More …

Looking for freedom….

Wouldn’t it be easy with less baggage….. Keep the above baggage but getting rid of inner baggage is important I think. Any guidance on the path to freedom, these courses below may be helpful: www.udemy.com/self-healing www.udemy.com/learn-to-stay-unstuck-from-difficulties www.udemy.com/learn-to-overcome-fear-and-be-confident Also, Udemy APAC Best Offers this week listed below: Learn Data Science. Courses starting at SG$16.98. Stay Connected Read More …

Life goes round and round and round….

Isn’t it, life goes round and round and round…. We most times think that learning stops at school and college. However, we get a shocker the moment we stumble on a setback and our resistance to learn. So, incase, struggling to learn the tips and tricks to clear the interview rounds, check out below: www.udemy.com/interview-skills Read More …

Quotes and sayings by wise today….

So, what’s your favorite quote or saying that made your day….Check out some interesting quotes or sayings by creative genius of my class: So when was the last time a saying made you ponder for a while…What’s your favorite quote or saying…My saying for today is “Stitch in time saves nine”..Therefore stay updated, the Udemy Read More …