Is your favorite word “more”?

Lacking contentment and wanting more in life, then this is an article for you..In a relationship, and you want more from the person…In a workplace, wanting more from your workers or colleagues…In a family environment, and looking for some more support….In a queue,looking for some more motion(this one is just for humor). So overall, you want more of everything. A simple answer to this is a simple question : Are you giving enough?? Receiving more is in equilibrium with giving more. It’s like nature’s law, you sow more seeds, you get more fruits. You put in more efforts, you get more results. Sometimes ignoring this law, and wanting more can also disrupt the flow of giving and receiving and chances are receiving nothing at all but wanting more works fine in a rock concert…there, definitely, it will work…say, one more time! Cheers! Love and light!!

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