A story again because we love stories yeah…
Once there were some animals who were living peacefully at the side of the forest. They once witnessed some humans staring at the animals in the forest……
So what happens next….For an instant, they were scared but something distracted them which was the unnecessary chaos by some of these humans among them. They saw them fighting among themselves for the little things as little as “who will dare hunt the lion first”…To their surprise, due to their keen sense of competition among themselves before they could even go for an adventure, there was a quarreling contest among them. They were unable to decide still who will record the live hunt and who will hunt. The animals realized the plight of humans is much worse. So instead of worrying about animals, they returned to their peaceful lives where they hunt when there is a need to..eat..play and be merry….
Moral of the story : Figure it out….
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