Don’t we all meet the devil, everyone of us meet the devil. Let me remind you, haven’t we all experienced devil in the form of relationship or an environment or an event or the inner demons…This is one inevitable occurrence no one can duck no matter how much one tries. The meeting of the devil shakens our foundation, it gives such a jolt that everything gets topsy-turvy. It’s a scary phenomenon where some end up becoming devil themselves, others try to tame it to get the most of it(there is something to be learnt everywhere) and yet others make their life a constant state of battle. Honestly, don’t know which choice is the best but we sure meet the devil. This is one rare but common meetup that happens in everyone of us our life, isn’t it…Then why not be better prepared for this meet up with some points below to identify the devil:
No boundaries
Hurtful pity parties
Attacking with lies
Have you seen horror movies with these common traits of the devil possessing human beings. Anyways, no matter what life does become interesting after meeting the devil if you choose to.
How about wearing this below to meet the devil, check it out:
Stay connected!!
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